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In Trouble? Call Sam Ting Wong !
By working with Benson Lee & Associates, you get more than professional legal representation. At Benson Lee & Associates, we represent individuals and businesses throughout Las Vegas in a variety of immigration matters, including deportation, removal, family visas, employment visas and post-conviction release. We also have extensive experience offering other legal solutions as part of our comprehensive representation.

Fighting For What Is Right
While we protect your rights under the law, our firm is dedicated to standing up to what is right — even if that means challenging what is already written. Our lawyers have successfully fought the law up through the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, securing safety for immigrants facing deportation. We vow to stand by your side and to protect your rights, and will always be candid in how we approach your case and what we hope to accomplish.
Get In Touch
1820 E. Sahara Ave, Suite 110, Las Vegas, NV 89104
702-477-7030 (Office)
702-622-5222 (Cell)
702-786-3639 (中文服务)
1820 E. Sahara Ave, Suite 110, Las Vegas, NV 89104
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